전체 5

Idiom Attack 1 - Everyday Living (Korean Edition)

Peter, Matthew & Jay | Exile Press LLC | 9,900원 구매
0 0 635 37 0 0 2013-10-24
Idiom Attack 1; Everyday Living is a collection of nearly 300 North American idioms in usage today, arranged in a format that is both easy to read and understand, while creating a situational learning format with logical and independently dynamic subject and chapter themes that take the user directly to the subject they want to learn. Arranged in a series of 25 chapters, th..

Idiom Attack 1 - Everyday Living (Korean Edition)

Peter, Matthew & Jay | Exile Press | 9,900원 구매
0 0 1,584 37 0 139 2012-02-01
Idiom Attack 1; Everyday Living is a collection of nearly 300 North American idioms in usage today, arranged in a format that is both easy to read and understand, while creating a situational learning format with logical and independently dynamic subject and chapter themes that take the user directly to the subject they want to learn. Arranged in a series of 25 chapters, th..

Idiom Attack 1 - Everyday Living (Korean Edition)

Peter, Matthew & Jay | Exile Press | 9,900원 구매
0 0 1,584 37 0 139 2012-02-01
Idiom Attack 1; Everyday Living is a collection of nearly 300 North American idioms in usage today, arranged in a format that is both easy to read and understand, while creating a situational learning format with logical and independently dynamic subject and chapter themes that take the user directly to the subject they want to learn. Arranged in a series of 25 chapters, th..

As Much As A Rat’s Tail

Peter Liptak and Siwoo Lee | Exile Press | 9,900원 구매
0 0 1,997 148 0 49 2012-01-10
As much as a Rat's Tail: Korean slang, invective & euphemism– the “Insider's guide”
An irreverent look at Language within Culture 
 Get 'street' with A Rat's Tail - Learn what the kids are really saying, all the Korean they will never teach you in class. 
Korean is rich with the dynamic linguistic expressions and freshly coined language. A Rat's Tail ..

As Much As A Rat’s Tail

Peter Liptak and Siwoo Lee | Exile Press | 9,900원 구매
0 0 1,997 148 0 49 2012-01-10
As much as a Rat's Tail: Korean slang, invective & euphemism– the “Insider's guide”
An irreverent look at Language within Culture 
 Get 'street' with A Rat's Tail - Learn what the kids are really saying, all the Korean they will never teach you in class. 
Korean is rich with the dynamic linguistic expressions and freshly coined language. A Rat's Tail ..

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